Tuesday, October 12, 2004

Tuesday is the New Monday.

Moving movie night this week. There's just too much going on in the house: O. is fighting a double dose of ear infections; T. and I are courting a new house offer and mortgage, possibly to be firmed up this weekend; and there's this little Thanksgiving holiday.

There's also a wrinkle in the movie line-up as tonight's randomly chosen feature - The Seventh Seal - has proven to be unavailable. Library computer says it's in stock. I've seen it a million times on the shelf. Still, the movie's taken a walk.

I've grabbed two back ups and am not sure which one will make the night:

The Rules of the Game (Jean Renoir, 1939)


Shadow of a Doubt (Hitchcock, 1943)

One is terribly fartsy and old, sub-titled, possibly tough to watch, but considered a true classic shoulder-to-shoulder with Citizen Kane. The other is (supposedly) one of Hitchcock's better early films. And lord knows there's a lot of Hitchcock in the Monday Night list so it might be best to get an early start.

We'll see...

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