Saturday, November 13, 2004

Does Your Compass Point North?

I had a chance to see The Polar Express this weekend. A quick observation.

Every once in a while, a movie comes along that performs like a perfect litmus test for determining a movie-goer’s sensibilities. In other words, your reaction to the film says an awful lot about you both as a person and as a movie lover. Are you a cynic? Are you a child? Are you a believer? Are you capable of giving a movie full and complete release? Or are you worried about what your friends might think?

The Polar Express is this kind of movie.

Those familiar with me can probably guess where I stand on the movie. But I’ll be interested to hear the reactions of friends and family in the weeks and months to come.

[I wish I could drop a link to Geoff Pevere’s black-hearted lump-of-coal review from the Toronto Star because nothing I’ve seen demonstrates this point more clearly. Alas, his review is available on-line for Star subscribers only (jerks!) Nevertheless, here’s a reviewer on the other end of the spectrum, and one with whom I totally agree. Two links: On the movie itself and the IMAX experience of the same - I saw the movie in IMAX.]

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