Sunday, November 28, 2004

How about “scurrying along” with Giants?

The following excerpt is taken from the introduction to Roger Ebert’s 2005 Movie Yearbook. I like and agree very much with what he’s saying here. In fact, he’s done a wonderful job of laying out exactly why I’m jamming these movies into my eyes each and every Monday night:

Too many moviegoers look at movies and do not see them, but then it has always been that way. Movies are a time killer or a casual entertainment for most people, who rarely allow themselves to see movies that will jolt them out of that pattern. The jolting itself seems unpleasant to them. I'm not a snob about that; anyone who enjoys a movie is all right in my book. But the movies don't top out; as you evolve, there are always films and directors to lead you higher, until you get above the treetops with Ozu and Murnau, Bresson and Keaton, Renoir and Bergman and Hitchcock and Scorsese. You walk with giants.
Now listen up. I certainly hope I’m not a snob about any of this either. And if I ever am, please please PLEASE - call me on it. It’s not my intention at all to become that snooty movie guy. The purpose of the blog is just to share how much fun I’m having with a lot of movies that don’t make the chart at Blockbuster.

You can read the rest of Ebert’s article here.

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